#3 reasons why you failed in losing weight using the ketogenic diet!


Ketogenic diet is one of the most debatable diet to have ever been introduced to the public if your just starting off you might get frustrated with your very own results or through listening to the other people’s results are you starting be fed up by loads of information that comes to you well here is an honest review of the ketogenic diet and the 3 reasons why most people fail on the ketogenic diet! First, let us define ketogenic diet before diving into (3) three crucial reasons why most people fail on the ketogenic diet.

“Ketogenic diet is defined as a diet supplying a large amount of fat and minimal amounts of carbohydrate and protein and used especially formerly in epilepsy to produce a ketosis and alter the degree of bodily alkalinity. (https://www.merriam-webster.com/medicaldictionary) “

in ENGLISH it’s a diet done by consuming very low-carb, which enables the body to burn fat. With this in mind ketogenic diet is not just a treatment for the global epidemic which is obesity, it’s also considered to be a treatment for epilepsy based on the records of the PMC US National Library of Medicine (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) so if it is recommended to treat obesity why do others fail in losing weight while implementing the ketogenic diet?


“Why do others fail in losing weight while implementing the ketogenic diet?”

Here are three common reasons why you will fail!

#1 Being Skeptical (the most common questions asked by beginners)


Does ketogenic diet work?, Is there a yo-yo effect?, Is Keto safe for overweight/ obese?

Please bear in mind that the answers I am about to give is based on proven research in the PMC US National Library of Medicine check them for yourself @ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2716748

Does keto diet work?  YES IT DOES! Experts from the Experimental &Clinical Cardiology have proven results for sustainable weight loss among 83 obese patients that they examine using the ketogenic diet as an alternative to treat obesity the study specified that long term application of the ketogenic diet yielded significant results in the subject’s weight loss.


Is there a yo-yo effect?

The yo-yo effect is described to be the weigh regain process when a keto subject is going to quit keto, It is argued that keto is not sustainable, but come to think of it no diet is sustainable it truly depends on an individual’s commitment and perseverance on the diet program.

Is it safe for you?

Yes, it is in fact, these benefits are sited to be beneficial to obese individuals

Cholesterol reduction

Lowers cardiovascular disease risk

Lowers cancer risk

#2 Not Following a correct keto diet plan


The second reason why most people fail in losing weight is due to lack of planning in their meal which is most essential to reach ketosis most of them do not strictly follow the a diet plan that why it is crucial to seek advice from a professional to succeed in the ketogenic diet in the study conducted by the  Experimental &Clinical Cardiology  the 83 patients follow a strict well calculated diet consisting of 20g to30g of carbohydrate from green vegetable and salad and 80g to 100g of protein in the form of meat, fish, fowl, eggs, shellfish and cheese. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats were included and twelve weeks later additional 20g of carbohydrate were added to the meal totalling to 40g to 50g of carbs.

#3 Not being consistent quitting at the first to second week with minimal results.


This is the most common of them all, once in the keto diet most people with results in the first week and even in the second week, mostly  quit the program and they have the tendency to regain weight rapidly and amplifying their weight more than what they have loss!

In the study made by the Experimental &Clinical Cardiology it is emphasized that in order to get results and for the ketogenic diet to be consistent the diet must be gradual and controlled it takes 2-3weeks to a maximum of many months 6-12 months to be able to attain rewarding results.

Plan of Action

If you are not 100% in the Keto diet, you will most likely to fail! To be successful on this diet you must follow a meal plan to ensure that you will attain the optimal results of the ketogenic diet.

Here are some of the most effective meal plans, we recommend for you proven to help over thousands of patients around the world check them out and see what fit for you.

 3 Week Ketogenic Diet Plan



Keto Camp with Chris Albert




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