How to achieve Ketosis on a busy schedule?

Hey newbie we all know that in the ketogenic diet Ketosis counts! As previously mention in some of our articles ketosis is a metabolic in which our body raises the level of ketone bodies in our tissues through a diet that has very low carbohydrates awesome you might be following a 30 day ketogenic meal plan right now or maybe you might be enrolled in a keto meal plan for months now that is absolutely great! For you are on the right track.   If you are just new here, check out our previous articles which emphasize why you need a ketogenic meal plan if you are looking for sustainable the results for the ketogenic diet.

But what if a ketogenic meal plan is just too much for you? Or what if you’re so busy for the holidays or what if you just can’t prepare a meal today? Lucky for us, we are in the 21st century where scientific break troughs are happening as we speak of it. Recently as I was researching for less than 30 mins Quito diet cooking recipes  I stumble upon a word which bothered me that word is “exogenous”  so  I look it up in the dictionary and got this meaning  “introduced from or produced outside the organism or system” ( I said to myself woah! That’s really amazing you might wonder why? Because in the ketogenic diet the most recent breakthrough is exogenous supplements specifically designed for the ketogenic diet.


Time for some questions that I believe you are thinking of these three questions right now!


Q1: Is it safe?

Like any other supplements it has its side effects we have list four side effects but take note these side effects are not that major we have explain each to make it more clear.

  • Electrolyte Imbalance – when you are drinking exogenous ketone supplements you might experience frequent urination, but it won’t deplete your glycogen it is recommended that you will drink an electrolyte drink, but it depends you your body’s response but there are some supplements that are infused with electrolytes.
  • Bad Breath  If you’re on a ketogenic diet, you are probably aware that as the body starts to metabolize fat, ketones can cause poor breath. There is very little one can do about this, it’s just the nature of the beast. Unfortunately, this can also arise when using exogenous ketones, but it’s not as lasting as when on a ketogenic diet. Chewing gum or mints is about the best option if it becomes a noticeable issue. This may be caused by over consumption of the ketone supplement, tailoring the quantity consumed may prevent excess BHB being converted to acetone, which is likely excreted by the lungs.
  • Possible GI distress (flatulence) at exceptionally high doses – In the studies referenced in this article, exogenous ketones taken in large doses occasionally resulted in GI distress, especially flatulence. However, the cause of this is hypothesized to be due to the fact that ketones were mixed with a milky fluid that wasn’t very palatable. If you’re taking a nominal dose of exogenous ketones the likelihood of GI distress is rather low. Moreover, if some GI distress is prevalent, it should improve as you become accustomed to taking ketones.
  • Hypoglycemia: why not to be concerned– Taking exogenous ketones can drive blood glucose levels quite low, but you are not likely to feel the typical symptoms of hypoglycemia. This is because when ketone levels are high enough, they dominate as fuel in the brain; hence, you will feel just fine despite having low blood glucose. A highly-cited study by George Cahill, found elevated ketone levels could protect fasted participants when they were administered insulin to induce hypoglycemia.


Q2: Does it work?

A recent study on the Metabolism of Exogenous Ketones in Humans by the Frontiers of Physiology tested two types of exogenous ketone supplements which is KE (ketone ester)  and KS (ketone salts) 15 patients, which volunteer to be tested in three randomized metabolic studies with different volume of intake of the supplements the final results of the study concluded with the ketone drinks containing KE and KS were practical and efficacious way to achieve ketosis.(


Q3: How sure are we in recommending these products?

Based on the answer we have previously mentioned, we have sort out these products based  on the study and testimonials of people around the world using it  which are rated 4-5 stars in amazon and in other online e-commerce platform.


On the ketogenic diet to get sustainable results we must have a meal plan fortunately for the workaholic this product has its own easy 30 day jumpstart program which servers as your guide to ultimately lose weight in just a span of few weeks.



Disclaimer each product has its different effect for each individual, please refer to a nutritionist or physician if you have an existing medical condition before taking in the supplements.

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