How to lose weight in 10 days or even less

Loosing weightThe pressure is real when you are joining a beauty pageant I was 143.3 pounds during the screening process of our city’s prestigious pageant from then on the usually comment by the committee, my family, and friends were ” hey you need to lose that flab on your stomach” very catastrophic!  luckily  I survive the screening process and was chosen to be a candidate vying for the title.

I was 143.3 lbs pounds but after 7 days to 10 days I have miraculously loose 15 lbs! yes a staggering 15 lbs of my body weight was lost, now I weight 128.25 lbs to be exact  so how did I do it let me break it down to you by elaborating my routine in less than two weeks diet plan just in case if your having trouble following my routine you can change it up for your own convince for one solution does not necessarily apply to all  just as the same with our weight issues.


  1. What is your Drive?
  2. Create a Routine
  3. Don’t be Afraid to try something new

#1 What is your Drive?

My Drive in achieving my goal was to be part of the pageant! and that keep my focus on for the next two weeks and ongoing.

dart pin in the middle of dartboard
Photo by on

your drive could be anything! let me ask you this are you having trouble tying your shoes? or do you go to the XXL department when you shop?  how many hours have you wasted fitting your old clothes? or do hide behind someone during a group photo to cover you up? these reasons could be your drive just make sure you commit to your goals and in no time you can gracefully achieve your goals.


#2 Create a Routine

Most common nowadays are routines when it comes to diets & workouts, even health experts would strongly recommend this. research says that working out and staying fit for almost a year will likely to increase your mental health & physical health read this articles to know more long-term effects of daily exercise  & long-term effects of sticking to a diet plan.

man wearing black and white stripe shirt looking at white printer papers on the wall
Photo by Startup Stock Photos on

I would recommend that you follow a diet plan and a workout plan for it makes the process much easier plus it will lead you to safe controlled diet but having your own routine works too if you know your self that much just a little google, blogs, and online forums will help a lot.

# 3 Don’t be afraid to try out new things!

When it comes to losing weight that stuff is new if your “FAT” for most like someone considered to be fat such as my self before has a different mindset and routines leading to more fat accumulation.

exercise female fitness foot
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

So you have to try out new things in order to get things going here is what I did during my week.

I follow a ketogenic diet

my meal plan is as follow:

Day 1:


Daily exercise

Yoga for 10-15 mins upon waking up


Scrambled Eggs with
Avocado + Lemon Juice


Chicken Breast Grilled  with
cottage cheese and Broccoli


Eggplant tortilla with asparagus
with  Lemon Juice

Check out the rest of my diet plan here!

It is very important to accept a new way of thinking in order to turn things around YOUR WAY!. Yes, your way at the end of the day it’s you who control everything no matter how awesome a program is or a workout is the results are all completely up to you.

I look forward to seeing the new you like our Pinterest account for more updates


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